Wednesday, 24 August 2011


today we had a theory lesson and it was ok but i was worrying about our assignment as we are going first OMG AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


today we found out what order we are going first and i am so annoyed because i hate going first because i always stuff up and it is so scary ahahahhaah but i hope we do good because we put so much effort in it and i think we did well so all we can so is our best

Monday, 22 August 2011


today in hospo we worked on our assignment and jess and i picked our topic which is italy, we were in the libary so we had all these books and it was so fun becuase we got through so much and we are almost finished the assignment yay


today in hospo we made japanese pancakes, they were ok but i didnt really enjoy them so i gave them to mrs gillmore. the 2 exchange students from japan helped us make them  and they knew how to make every single  one of them.